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Submitted by David Borden on
No,not Stephen Colbert,B.C.Premier Gordon(Gordo)Campbell.He took the 6 shootings and 4 deaths in a single week and did the same thing every politician has done since the inception of the gang life style.He threatens them with punishment.I can feel the shaking all the way from the Frazer Valley.Threaten major league thugs that kill in broad daylight in full view of hundreds of witnesses.That'll work.Are these people morons?Do people smart enough to attain the highest office in the land really see things in stark black and white?I doubt it.It's a classic example of no imagination,no guts,no thinking process,just a knee jerk reaction that's all been done many times before with the total lack of results that's brought us to this point in the first place.Attack the symptoms,ignore the cause.That's what's brought us 100 years of prohibition and a gangster web that never existed before 1990 in this part of the world.This is the second prohibition to create a huge criminal enterprise that's killing people daily and with impunity.Canada was smart enough to avoid the first one but the limp dicks we have in charge right now seem willing to plod ahead with this one till the last body hits the ground.I hope it isn't someone close,then they'd actually feel something.

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